World Factbook of Food

The World Factbook of Food is designed to serve as a central reference repository of data related to food. Organized into a series of food and country profiles, the World Factbook of Food provides users with a wide range of food and agriculture data at the food and country level.

World Factbook of Food

The World Factbook of Food is designed to serve as a central reference repository of data related to food. Organized into a series of food and country profiles, the World Factbook of Food provides users with a wide range of food and agriculture data at the food and country level. 

About the World Factbook of Food

Data was collected and curated from numerous sources on a variety of topics including production, trade, common food and non-food uses, seasonality, processing steps and supply chain structure, food safety concerns, and past intentional adulteration events. Data is displayed in an easy to use website, including interactive graphs and detailed source information.

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